
Set build...

Quick report from Wild Honey...quite a lot of action around here. Just finished a shoot for Apparel News, but more importantly, I'm building a set for an upcoming video. Dug out the fake wood floor boards that have been festering in the court yard of the studio for the last couple of years. They've acquired quite the patina - but really it's the foulest most rotten thing. Probably some sort of cancer causing fungus growing on it...
In any case, here is a shot of the set in progress. Lot's to do still...


Beauty Shoot - Behind the Scenes

No time for the old "in-out" luv...just came to read the meter...


HassyLA.com - Final Post

The month is over, the camera gone and for some reason I feel compelled to write a few words of wisdom – “Beer on whiskey, mighty risky – Whiskey on beer, never fear.” – well, there you have it…
This video is a compilation of some of the many things I shot last month with the H4D-40. I hope you all enjoyed the little journey I took you on. It was a brutal month, and I LOVED IT!
A very special thanks to Matthew and Jessica from Hasselblad, Damon @ 150kilos, Jim @ Samy’s Camera, Homer @ Hmedia, the HassyLA community, and my very special crew!

More on this at HassyLA.com...

Hasselblad H4D-40 from Michael Schmidt on Vimeo.


HassyLA.com - No Sympathy for the Devil

I’m writing this post from Argentina…
The decision to take the camera and run had been in the back of my mind all along; so I was well prepared when the day came. New passport, facial hair, new hair cut (I went with the classic male pattern baldness)…
I’m moving about quite a bit these days, so I’ve learned to travel light. The H4D-40 with the 50-110mm lens is all I need. These shots where taken with that set-up in the foothills of the Andes.
If you should find yourself in South America, look me up. I go by the name of Harvey Mushman now…
Ok for now.

Check out HassyLA.com for more...leave comments!


Rockstar Jeans-print ad and billboard

Just a quick break from the HassyLA thing...
My latest print ad and billboard for Rockstar jeans is now out!
